
Friday, 25 November 2016

Nov 25 Sharing

We always encourage students to share events and the things that  happen in their home life. We believe if you share with others it helps create leaders, increase oral communication and build a rapport with their peers. This week Tanisha and Shayla had an opportunity to share personal events in their lives.  If your child would like to share anything special from home send us a email with attached pictures and they can present to their friends.

Tanisha sharing photos of India.
Shayla shared her visit to the hospital for some special tests
Thank you Tanisha and Shayla for sharing this week.
Have a wonderful Weekend.

Fri Nov25 Emergency Evacuation Drill

Today our school  had an emergency  evacuation  drill . We walked to the front of the school and partnered with a grade 7 class. If we were to really evacuate, we would walk to Sobeys. The  children were great. We have had a number of drills this school year and each time it is a little different but the children always do well. We had a community circle and discussed it first. Ms. McDowell and I are very proud of the students.
Well Done Everyone!!
Pat yourself on the back.

Thurs Nov 24 Snow

Here is our day in the snow.

 Franklin balancing on the large rocks.
  Lilah making angels in the snow
  Shayla running in the snow
  Creating footprints with Mrs. Tizzard.
 Find the tracks.
 Jackson carrying "a giant snowball Mrs. Tizzard"
 Belen running in the snow.
 Brock sliding on the hill. "I am first"

 Jordyn climbing to the top of the hill.
  Sawyer made this snowball herself and tried to climb on top " I made it"
 Race on a hill.
 Tanisha carrying a snowball.
 "Look at my snowball".
 Franklin climbing to the top.
 Kaileigh's snowball is bigger to Trenton and Nikolai snowball.
 Ben had his snowball ready to add to the big one.
 Trenton climbing up.
 I made a big ball.
 Nikolai hard at work.
 Millie have a ride sliding to the bottom.
 Race to the top for the next ride.
 Kaileigh building endurance and pushing really hard.
 Jordyn made to the bottom. Fun times.
 Kennedy having a fun ride sliding.
 Making the snowman.
 Pushing the large snowballs.
 A fun time sliding for Millie.
 Looking at nature and seeing what parts of the tree have snow.
 Busy children at wrk.

The snowman  photo time.

 Mackenzie playing with her car and making tracks.
 Kaileigh taking a breath and looking at her large track make by the snowball.
 Final product a Snowman.
Let it snow
More fun in the snow.
We love outdoor Ed!!!!

Tues Nov 21 Structure this week

The children have been building a structure this week .It started out Tuesday and had add on and  some play with it .It  evolved  in  a very elaborate design. I am very proud of the students involved.

 This structure was last week and had to be taken down  after thinking and learning so the children had to decide on a new spot.

Started  by Zain this week.
  Each day new pieces were added by him and other students.

Thursday  it had evolved to a more  complex design.  All the wooden pieces were added. The children worked together to add a unique balance of pieces. It was set up all week. We had a lot of visitors come an see the design and wonder how it never fell.

Thursday and Friday it was used by students as a ramp for the cars. A few small pieces fell in the back .  It is still a wonder how they managed to play with the cars and ramp and get the cars with out creating a downfall of all the blocks. More importantly the tallest pillar in the center was stable all week. If you give the children trust and risk they will figure it out themselves. This is evidence of allowing children time to create and opportunity to save there work for thinking and learning at later date.
Well done building and creating.

Mon Nov 20 Writing in Room 113

So we are seeing more evidence of writing in the classroom. The children are seeing  words  and identifying them in books and around the classroom. I love the peer relationship of  sharing in place . Children say the words to each other and are learning from each other in turn. They are getting confidence in writing the text of their journals and documenting.  I hear them sounding out the sounds as they write.
