GREEN : Happy ,focused , ready to learn,calm
BLUE: Sick, sad, tired, hurt
YELLOW: Scared/worried, silly, frustrated,
RED: Angry, aggressive, mad, yelling
Children will move from one zone to another based on how they feel. Ms. McDowell took picture of the children so they can use it as a way to help express how they feel. The SK from my class did this last year and are quite familiar with this process. Ms. McDowell did a similar activity. Children can move their name to the zone where they feel.
As Educators we strive to have children happy and ready to learn but things happen so we move from one zone to another. We give the children strategies or Tools to stay in the green zone. Take 3 breathes to help get calm when you are in the red zone. Eat a snack when you are tired. Stop an activity and rethink a way to solve a problem when you are frustrated. Wipe brass materials with a soft cloth to help stay calm. Every child is different and may need different "Tools " to stay in the green zone.
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