
Friday, 22 December 2017

Fri.Dec 22 Christmas Wishes.

Ms. Carruthers and I would like to wish  all our families a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. We would like to thank you for kindness, generosity,love and gifts .  You support us and the children in so many ways. They are learning all the time. You enable us to think and learn everyday. We hope you enjoy some learning with your children during the break .  Take some photos of your own celebrations and send them to us when you return. The children can share on the big screen.
Image result for ways to say merry christmas

Merry Christmas!!
Share the love!!
See you January 8 2018!!

Thurs. Dec. 21 Crafts

The  children help to create the gift you received for Christmas using the chewed branches from the pond and the pine cones we collected from the forest and park. It was nice to bring a meaningful piece of their learning home. We planted seeds from the pine cones in the class.and we still continue to use the branches from the beaver in our class. We hope you enjoy everything they made.

We hope you like everything.

Thurs. Gingerbread Decorating

The children decorated gingerbread cookie and enjoyed a fun snack at the end of the day.

Fun snack shared by all.

Wed . Dec. 20 Door Decorating Competition

Well the door decorating competition was on Wednesday and guess what ?????
WE WON !!!!
We won for the Kindergarten division.
Great job everyone. 
Recycle materials at its finest. 
Is was well received my the judges.

Tues. Dec 19 Pumpkin

On Tuesday Ms. Carruthers brought out a pumpkin that was in our classroom since October. She opened it up .
What do you think it will look like inside 
I wonder...?
Jackson" It is going to be black"
Lauren" I think there is going to be pumpkin seeds."
Cohen"Bugs inside."
Ben" Yah it will be black."

Why was it black . The children learned words like , rot, mold, decay, bacteria, germs,and black

Mon. Dec 18 Snowflakes

At the park I took some pictures of snowflakes on Ben's coat .

Each and every snowflake in all of time is different.
Great discovery today.I wish I had a better camera.
We still got to see and explore.

Sunday, 17 December 2017

Upcoming Events Next Week

I thought I would remind you of upcoming events for next week.

All Week Festive head wear
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Tuesday Festive /Ugly Sweater Day
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Door Decorating Competition Ends
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Wed  Mixed Grades Concert 11:20 Dress Rehearsal 
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Mixed Grades Concert evening 6:00-7:00
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Thursday Nantyr Band 12:00

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We plan a busy festive fun week.
Have a great weekend 
Share the love!!!!

Wed. Dec 13 Holiday Celebration

Thank you to all the children and families who came out on Wed. night for the Holiday Celebration. My heart was swelling with love and pride for the children. The children sang so well. Thank you for visiting the classroom. I managed to greet most families. It was great to share some food and time to talk to you. I met many grandparents and older siblings. I saw some parents greeting each other. It was nice for families to put a face to the children. I am sure your children will often talk about a friend from the class he/she plays with all the time. Maybe new friendships for parents will develop as well.

Thank you for your continued support.

Dec 11 Tracks in the Snow

We went to the forest and found more tracks in the snow this week. It is a new inquiry
I Wonder.......????
We saw human tracks so some suggestions were a dog.
I saw a coyote on Thurs this week on the way to school from Barrie so now we wonder again.....

Rabbit tracks ??

We wonder about these. tracks ?
  Nest close by. 
  We believe these are squirrel tracks. We saw a grey squirrel as we arrived to the forest.
These tracks climb the tree.

 I have to dig out my tracks page to compare all these tracks.
Fun learning in winter.