
Friday, 6 September 2019

Welcome to Room 104

Ms Wright and I would like to welcome everyone to room 104. We had a busy fun filled week. 

A newsletter was sent home with our contact information.We are partners in your child's learning so open communication is the key to success to your child's learning. I am so proud to join our families for a second year of thinking and learning. I will repeat a little about the process of learning for our new families.  To help you join the conversation with your child I will give some information about our classroom.

Thinking and learning time a when children learn through play. A large block of our day is set aside for thinking and learning time. The students  are learning through hands on , guided and independent play.  The last 10 minutes of time are set aside to document the learning.The blog will show samples of the learning in our classroom.


Year 2 students have used this process to  document their learning.
Children may be talking about documenting during thinking and learning time.The last 10 minutes of thinking and learning is set aside so children can document their learning. 

1 Take a photo with ipod or ipad
2 Use chalk boards to draw a picture and then take a photo
3 Use white boards to draw a picture and then take a photo.
4 Paper and pencil to draw a picture.
5 Write sentences about your learning.

We gather together discuss our learning and to explain what we did during thinking and learning time.
 We are showing the students this process . They are fast learners. 
We explored games to learn the alphabet and each others names.

 Exploring the drain. Children could hear water and said "  a crocodile lives there".
  Making ice cream pine cones.
 Discovering dinosaur fossils.
 Looking up close to nature at  plants and leaves.
 Scooping and pouring the small stone to make tea.
 What made these holes?
We discussed worms and small bugs. 
I wonder?????
  Our fruit trees look but don't touch.
 Ms. Wright brought in watermelon
Can you count how many was eaten?
Thank you Ms. Wright!
 Making cakes with loose parts.
 We collected pine cones and discussed the shapes. We noticed 
each  layer was shaped like a triangle.
We began to document our learning. 
  Today's assembly I took the year 2 students 
Next time all the students will go.

 All about YOU!!
We discussed Character Ed.

Terry Fox Run Is Sept 26
Pledges $500 get to choose a teacher to get a pie in the face.
Pledge sheets went home today. 
Please send In a toonie /$2  for Terry.

Send in all the paperwork so I can showcase your child  with the awesome learning.
Check out the links on the side of the blog to support your child's learning.
Use the translate so you can read the blog in any language.
Have a wonderful weekend. 
Share the love!!!

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