
Friday, 5 February 2016

Wednesday Feb 3 Onions

 A student brought in an onion so we could cut it in slices and use it to help breathe . It is believed to help stop coughing and help breathing. A hypothesis that we wanted to try. We described the onion by touch, smell,sound and sight.

 Mrs. Tizzard  traced the onion.

Children took turns touching the onion.
 Eli "It is weird. It is orange and yellow.

Mrs.Tizzard cut the onion in slices.

Emily-Ann is smelling the onion.
 Scarlett is smelling the onion.

Some comments about the onion.
Isabella: "Soft and yellow".
Channing: "Lots of layers".
Nathan: "Two layers"
Ehsan:  "Onions with flat layers".
M: "It has lines"
Luca: " It feels weird ,soft and fuzzy ".
Emily-ann: "Sounds crumbily"
Victoria:" A sphere".
Tishawn: "Brown".
Payton:" It makes us cry"
Brock:" Smooth"
Nakayda:"Inside is yellow".
Eli: " It is weird. It is orange and yellow.
Trenton:" It has a little bit of golden".
Mae:" Back top looks like hair going down".
Nikolai:" Circle".
Miss Oscroft:"It has hair".
Emily: " Hard".
It was fun to discover that the smell was strong. We were able to take deep breathes after we cut the onion.

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