Mrs. Tizzard traced the onion.
Children took turns touching the onion.
Eli "It is weird. It is orange and yellow.
Mrs.Tizzard cut the onion in slices.
Emily-Ann is smelling the onion.
Scarlett is smelling the onion.
Some comments about the onion.
Isabella: "Soft and yellow".
Channing: "Lots of layers".
Nathan: "Two layers"
Ehsan: "Onions with flat layers".
M: "It has lines"
Luca: " It feels weird ,soft and fuzzy ".
Emily-ann: "Sounds crumbily"
Victoria:" A sphere".
Tishawn: "Brown".
Payton:" It makes us cry"
Brock:" Smooth"
Nakayda:"Inside is yellow".
Eli: " It is weird. It is orange and yellow.
Trenton:" It has a little bit of golden".
Mae:" Back top looks like hair going down".
Nikolai:" Circle".
Miss Oscroft:"It has hair".
Emily: " Hard".
It was fun to discover that the smell was strong. We were able to take deep breathes after we cut the onion.
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