
Saturday, 7 October 2017

Mon Oct 2 Outdoor learning Bugs and Seeds

During outdoor learning children continue to explore and learn with hands on materials in nature.

Leah found a ladybug.
 Gentle Leah helping it so I can get an up close picture.
  Green and brown pine cones .
Why are some green and some brown?

 Looking for bugs.
 Cohen comparing and counting rocks.
  We found the seeds that was inside the brown pine cones.
 A teeny tiny bug climbing on a rock.
 Keagan found this little creature.
 We found lots of  lady bugs.
 We learned the reason for all the lady bugs. 
The home 
Look carefully you can see the lady bugs home.
A connection pine cone and lady bugs.
 Faris "A flower".

A giant spider!!! The camera is not decieving.
We noticed a slim with the spider we think eggs maybe or peeing.
I wonder....

 Playing car in the crevice on the hill.
 More leaves changing color.
 More lady bugs for Ashriya.
 We wonder what is that sound?


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